I enabled them, only to find a big mess over on the left sidebar in iCal. Each calendar showed up as a delegate, under a subheading with the same name and a different color text. Then I went over to the Delegation box in the accounts preference pane, and clicked refresh, and all my calendars showed up. Only one of my five google calendars showed up in the sidebar. I opened iCal, went to the preferences box, went to accounts, and added my Google account. I got to the calendar bit and things got messy. Then I got a new computer and started installing things and setting my computerized life back up. The GOOGLE:PERSONAL was just text with a dropdown on the left, and then there was a checkbox next to Personal that let me show and hide the calendar. So my personal calendar would look like this: My old iCal on OS X would easily sync with my calendars on Google, and each calendar would show up in the sidebar in a simple dropdown. This post will show you how to sync your Google calendar to iCal without delegates, so you can clean up your calendar a little bit.