You should have fifty cents already.Click left arrow twice and go to Miss Count's room.A button is hidden inside monkey dolls near Miss Count's table. 'ask about Richy.' After short conversation, get a penny(nickel) from second drawer. A quarter coin is found under the chair.Walk back and talk to a person stuck inside the red locker.Move to your right again and get a penny on the floor.Open your yellow locker and reach for another penny(nickel).Go downstairs and talk to a person in teachers' lounge. Put inside the toilet bowl and flush it with a flusher.There's a penny outside female toilet.Head to the supply closet and use the ruler and bookmark combination to reach a dime on top of the bookshelf.Another penny near the staircase to your left.Go up the stairs and move to your left.A penny seen on the floor again outside Mrs Flask room.Click to the right twice and go to Janitor's closet. Get the glasses.You can leave now.Pick up a penny you see on the floor outside Mr Soggy class.Go to the library and give Mr Soggy's glasses to the librarian and you'll get a free bookmark.Combine a bookmark together with the chewing gum on the ruler.On left,Go to male toilet door and get a toilet paper.